Training Calendar
Upcoming Trainings & Events
Recruit, Cultivate and Retain - Leadership Series
Virtual platform
Recruit, Cultivate and Retain (RCR) is a leadership series designed for mid-level managers working in employment and community inclusion service provider agencies. By joining RCR, you will have the opportunity to develop immediately usable skills for developing your own career and promoting increased job satisfaction for staff you manage. In community with other program managers, we will re-energize, create solutions to complex problems and share expertise.
- Learn strategies for recruiting, developing and retaining staff
- Increase your leadership skills as a manager and leader
- Develop a plan for advancing your career
- Hone systems and processes for developing staff into leadership positions
- Connect with other leaders that are managing employment and day services
- Deepen and develop relationships across organizations in your community
For more information and to register go to
Case Manager's Vision For Employment Training
Online Training
Our online course is for case managers and care coordinators supporting adults with disabilities and transition age youth on a path to employment.
Our course offers strategies to:
❖ enhance your career path
❖ increase your capacity to support individuals on an employment journey
This course fits your busy schedule. You can:
❖ Complete the course anywhere with internet access at your desk or on the go with a mobile device.
❖ Finish the whole course at once or in smaller pieces. Save your work and pick up where you left off using the course navigation.
This course is interactive and immersive.
❖ Take your time to reflect and analyze problems before answering the questions.
❖ Explore real-life scenarios, case studies, and stories and check your knowledge with quizzes.
❖ Download additional resources to continue studying over time.
(approximate time for completion: 5-6 hours)
Our course emphasizes the critical role case managers play in ensuring opportunities to experience competitive integrated employment.
Module 1: Employment Foundations
A positive vision for the future influences our desire to work. Learn about expectations, national perspectives, various types of paid employment, strategies for supporting families, and more.
Module 2: Employment Pathways
Informed choice is key to successful decision making. Learn about dignity of risk, individual voice, guided conversations around integrated employment, job satisfaction, and more.
Module 3: The Employment Process
Get to know the job seeker to help them find a good job match. Learn from self-advocates about advocacy, how to plan for job supports, customized jobs, employee retention, and more.
Module 4: Collaborating with Vocational Rehabilitation
Partnering with VR is mutually beneficial. Learn about defining employment pathways, VR application and eligibility processes, long term supports after job placement, and more.
This training is appropriate for case managers and their supervisors. You will earn a certificate after completing all the required work, which can be submitted for continuing professional development credits.
Supporting Self-Determination, Informed Choice and Dignity of Risk
Online Training
Reigstration opens on August 1, 2024
Self-determination, informed choice, and dignity of risk are integral components of effective and authentic person-centered employment planning for job seekers with intellectual disabilities. This free online course will include strategies and resources on how to support the development and inclusion of these components in employment services for people with disabilities.
The Self-Determination, Informed Choice, and Dignity of Risk course will be available 24/7 during the month of September so you can log on at your convenience and complete the work. The course has 2 hours’ worth of content. You will receive a letter of completion when you finish the course. You can use this letter for educator professional credits and employment staff professional development hours.
This course is for educators, employment specialists, career planners, and job coaches who assist people with disabilities to find and maintain jobs in the community.
Maine Meaningful Day and Employment Webinar: Employment First
No Registration Required- click on the link to join
Understanding your role in helping people explore and learn all about employment supports, businesses in Maine, jobs and how they can get started.
Contact Lisa Cline with questions
Speaking Up For Us (SUFU) Statewide Conference
The Bangor Grande
Statewide Conference on September 24 & 25, 2024 at The Bangor Grande, 357 Odlin Rd, Bangor, ME 04401.
Check their website for updates and registration information
Contact Laurie Coldwell with any questions [
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Certificate (SART)
$Contact for cost information
University of Maine, Farmington
UMF students can prepare for a career as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) with access to the University of Maine at Augusta’s Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Technician Certificate (SART).
This UMF/UMA collaboration makes preparing for the CADC exam simpler than ever Take up to 15 credits—of the 30 total required for UMA's SART Certificate—online or in person at UMF With your certificate, you can apply for Maine's Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) license.
Maine Apse Conference 2024: Access To Good Jobs For All
Hilton Garden Inn, Bangor Maine
Keynote Speaker: Gina Oswald, PhD, NBC-HWC. Yang Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, Cornell University
Panel and Presenter information coming soon...
To learn more about Maine APSE visit HTTPS://MAINEAPSE.WEEBLY.COM
Maine Meaningful Day and Employment Supports Webinar: Maine Best Practices
No Registration Required. Click on the link to join the webinar
Hear examples from providers and share stories of networking and building partnerships.
Contact Lisa Cline with questions
Employment Specialist Certificate (ES)
$Contact for cost information
University of Maine, Farmington
If you’d like to help individuals with disabilities explore career options, prepare for careers, and support them by serving as a job coach, UMF’s Employment Specialist (ES) Certificate can help you get there—quickly.
Complete just TWO online courses, one of which is paid for by a grant Our flexible, virtual program helps you earn a nationally recognized certificate while continuing to work full- or part-time With your certificate, you'll be ready to start a new, highly marketable career that you can build on.
List of Recorded Webinar Topics
Online Course Platform
These are past recorded webinars. You will have access to all the recordings once you enroll. You can earn 1 hour of professional development if you watch the recording and complete the short quiz.
Here is a list of current topics:
Outcome orientated planning for transition age youth
Using a 30-Day Placement Plan
Developing Work-Based Learning Experiences for Students and Youth
Best Practices in Job Coaching and Supports
Strategies for Developing Job Opportunities in Maine’s Rural and Remote Communities
Technology to Support Employment
Cultural Humility to Improve the Quality of Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Initiatives and Resources for Individuals Considering Self Employment
OADs Self Employment Stories from Rhode Island
Using Progressive Employment
Supporting Challenging Behaviors in the Workplace
Technology Tools on the Job
Best Practices in Social Media
Practicing with Technology Tools
The Art of Disclosure
Creative Strategies for Showcasing Job Seekers: Beyond Traditional Resumes
Supporting Individuals with Complex Needs
Maine Innovation Summit: A Path for Maine
Holiday Day Inn by the Bay, Portland ME
This state and national-level conference will provide a chance to showcase innovations in delivery of services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities or autism as well as those with conditions such as cerebral palsy, or seizure disorder, or other similar conditions.
This conference will:
- Showcase local and national-level innovations and new thinking
- Explore how to manage change
- Feature a Tech Expo so attendees can see try out and learn about new technologies and resources
- Keynote speakers will be announced in the fall of 2024,
- A call for presentation proposals will be announced in September of 2024
- Conference registration is expected to open in January 2025.
- If you would like to be on the mailing list for potential presenters, vendors, or attendees, please email:
See: [HCBS Innovation Pilot Grants | Department of Health and Human Services (](|02||9affce8e7963405101db08dcb0a74bf0|b97188711ee94425953c1ace1373eb38|0|0|638579479803499819|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|0|||&sdata=ZKedtbY8KTB3Di9dEE1f2z9%2B5rWDfUz6%2FF6XgBcIkFI%3D&reserved=0 "Original URL:
Click to follow link.") for examples of the Innovation Pilot projects that are operating in Maine. There are many other projects to share from other states also!